The following constitutes the Pacific Grove Marine Gardens Fish Refuge:
All that area within the following boundaries as they existed April 1, 1963, not within the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge: Beginning at the point of intersection of the southeasterly corporate limit line of the City of Pacific Grove prolongated, and the line of mean high tide of the Bay of Monterey; thence northwesterly along said line of mean high tide to Point Pinos and continuing around said point in a westerly direction and continuing southwesterly along said line of mean high tide to the intersection with the southwesterly corporate limit line prolongated of said city; thence N. 70° 45´ 00″ W. along said southwesterly corporate limit line prolongated to a point in the Pacific Ocean where the depth of water in said ocean is sixty (60) feet measured from the level of mean low tide; thence northwesterly along the line in said ocean which line is at a constant depth of sixty (60) feet measured from the level of mean low tide to Point Pinos and continuing around said point in an easterly direction and continuing southeasterly along the line in said bay which line is at a constant depth of sixty (60) feet measured from the level of mean low tide, to the intersection with the southeasterly corporate limit line of said city prolongated; thence S. 58° 57´ 45″ W. along said southeasterly corporate limit line prolongated, to the point of beginning.
(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 367, Sec. 2.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018