The following constitutes Fish and Game District 23:
The lands and waters lying within the drainage area of Rubicon and Little Rubicon Rivers above their confluence in Sec. 13, T. 13 N., R. 13 E.; all lands and waters lying within the drainage area of the South Fork of the American River and all its tributaries above Chili Bar Bridge on the Placerville-Georget own Highway; all of the lands and waters lying within the drainage area of Webber Creek above the Mother Lode Highway between El Dorado and Placerville; the waters of Lake Tahoe and the Truckee River, and all streams flowing into that lake and river, and all lands and waters within the drainage basin of that lake and river lying within this State; the waters of Silver Lake, Twin Lakes, Twin Lake, Blue Lakes, Meadow Lake, Wood Lake, Winnemucca Lake and Scott’s Lake, Burnside Lake, the Carson River, the West Fork of the Carson River, Willow Creek and Markleeville Creek and all tributaries of those streams and all streams flowing into those lakes and all lands and waters lying within the drainage basin of those lakes, rivers and streams within this State; all the waters of the Cosumnes River and its tributaries, and all lakes lying within the watershed of that river and tributaries above the bridge on the Mother Lode Highway between Plymouth and Nashville, all being within the Counties of Alpine, Amador, and El Dorado.
(Enacted by Stats. 1957, Ch. 456.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018