(a) The revenues from fees and sales under this article and Section 1055.3 shall be deposited in the Native Species Conservation and Enhancement Account in the Fish and Game Preservation Fund, and shall be available for appropriation for expenditure in the 1988–89 and subsequent fiscal years in the following order of priority:
(1) Repayment of any loan to the account from the Fish and Game Preservation Fund. The amounts repaid annually shall be prorated to complete the repayment with interest on or before July 1, 1993. Interest shall be calculated at the rate earned by the Surplus Money Investment Fund from the date funds for the loan were advanced to the date of repayment.
(2) The costs of ongoing wildlife management programs incurred at any lands managed by the department alone or cooperatively with other governmental agencies, irrespective of their designation pursuant to Section 1764, that are not adequately funded under subdivision (a) or (c) of Section 711.
(3) The costs of natural history education and recreational programs and improvements at areas designated pursuant to Section 1764.
(4) Augmentation of wildlife management programs and acquisition of additional lands at areas designated pursuant to Section 1764.
(b) Revenues from fees and sales under this article and Section 1055.3 shall be used to augment and not to replace money appropriated from existing funds available to the department for the purposes specified in subdivision (a).
(Amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 1370, Sec. 7. Effective October 27, 1992.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018