It is the policy of this state in entering into the compact to do all of the following:
(a) Promote compliance with the statutes, ordinances, and administrative rules and regulations relating to the management of wildlife resources in this state.
(b) Recognize the suspension of wildlife license privileges of any person whose license privileges have been suspended by a participating state and treat that suspension as if it had occurred in the licensee’s home state if the violation that resulted in the suspension could have been the basis for suspension in the home state.
(c) Allow a violator, except as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 716.4, to accept a wildlife citation and, without delay or detention, proceed on his or her way whether or not the violator is a resident of the state in which the citation was issued, if the violator’s home state is a party to this compact.
(d) Report to the appropriate participating states, as provided in the compact manual, any conviction recorded against any person whose home state was not the issuing state.
(e) Allow the home state to recognize and treat convictions recorded against its residents, if those convictions occurred in a participating state, as though they had occurred in the home state.
(f) Extend cooperation to its fullest extent among the participating states for enforcing compliance with the terms of a wildlife citation issued in one participating state to a resident of another participating state.
(g) Maximize effective use of law enforcement personnel and information.
(h) Assist court systems in the efficient disposition of wildlife violations.
(Added by Stats. 2001, Ch. 398, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2002. Compact effective as prescribed in Section 716.9.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018