California Fish and Game Code Section 8254.7

CA Fish & Game Code § 8254.7 (2017)  

When a complaint has been filed in a court of competent jurisdiction charging a holder of a commercial lobster permit with a violation of Section 8251 or 8252, and no disposition of the complaint has occurred within 90 days after it has been filed in the court, the department may suspend the commercial lobster permit of the person. The permitholder whose permit was suspended under this section may, within 10 days after the receipt of the suspension notice from the department, request a hearing, and, within 20 days after the request has been made, a hearing shall be held by the commission. A decision shall be made within a reasonable time on whether the suspension of the permit shall be terminated or continued until the disposition of the complaint by the court. In determining whether to terminate or continue the suspension of the permit, the commission shall consider whether or not the violation could have a detrimental effect on the resources and whether or not a continued suspension of the permit is in the best public interest, and shall find whether there is sufficient evidence that a violation has occurred. A failure to make a finding that there is sufficient evidence that a violation has occurred or a finding that there is insufficient evidence shall terminate the suspension of the permit under this section. If the permitholder is acquitted of the charges or the charges against him or her have been dismissed, any suspension of the permit is thereby terminated. No complaint shall be filed in a court charging a commercial lobster permitholder with a violation of Section 8251 or 8252 unless evidence supporting the charge has been reviewed by the appropriate county or city prosecuting agency and a criminal complaint has been issued by that agency.

(Amended by Stats. 1986, Ch. 1244, Sec. 9.)

Last modified: October 25, 2018