California Fish and Game Code Section 8842

CA Fish & Game Code § 8842 (2017)  

(a) Trawl nets of a design prescribed by the commission may be used or possessed to take shrimps or prawns under a permit issued by the department under regulations adopted by the commission.

Sections 8831, 8833, 8835, and 8836 do not apply to trawl nets used or possessed under a permit issued pursuant to this section.

(b) Trawling for shrimps or prawns shall be authorized only in those waters of Districts 6, 7, 10, 17, 18, and 19 that lie not less than three nautical miles from the nearest point of land on the mainland shore, and all offshore islands and the boundary line of District 19A, except that in waters lying between a line extending due west from False Cape and a line extending due west from Point Reyes, trawling is allowed not less than two nautical miles from the nearest point of land on the mainland shore until January 1, 2008.

(c) When fishing for pink shrimp (Pandalus jordani) under a permit issued pursuant to this section, it is unlawful to possess in excess of 1,500 pounds of incidentally taken fish per calendar day of a fishing trip, except Pacific whiting, shortbelly rockfish, and arrowtooth flounder, which may be taken in any amount not in excess of federal regulations. No Pacific halibut and not more than 150 pounds of California halibut shall be possessed or landed when fishing under a permit issued pursuant to this section. When fishing for ridgeback prawn and spotted prawn under a permit issued pursuant to this section, it is unlawful to possess in excess of 1,000 pounds of incidentally taken fish per trip.

(d) Commencing January 1, 2008, the commission shall permit the taking of pink shrimp not less than two nautical miles from shore in waters that lie between a line extending due west from False Cape and a line extending due west from Point Reyes from the nearest point of land on the mainland shore, if the commission finds that, upon review of information from the federal groundfish observer program and other available research and monitoring information that it determines relevant, the use of trawl gear minimizes bycatch, will not damage seafloor habitat, will not adversely affect ecosystem health, and will not impede reasonable restoration of kelp, coral, or other biogenic habitats. The commission shall pay special attention to areas where kelp and other biogenic habitats existed and where restoring those habitats is feasible, and to hard bottom areas and other substrate that may be particularly sensitive to bottom trawl impacts in making that finding.

(Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 721, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 2005.)

Last modified: October 25, 2018