Hagfish may be taken under a general trap permit, if all of the following criteria are met:
(a) Korean traps and bucket traps may be used to take only hagfish under this article.
(b) No more than a total of 500 Korean traps or a total of 200 bucket traps may be possessed aboard a vessel or in the water or combination thereof.
(c) No permittee may possess both Korean traps or bucket traps and other types of traps aboard a vessel at the same time. When Korean traps or bucket traps are being used or possessed aboard a vessel, no species of finfish other than hagfish shall be taken, possessed aboard, or sold for commercial purposes.
(d) Popups shall not be used on buoy lines attached to Korean traps or bucket traps, and shall not be possessed by a commercial fisherman aboard a vessel when taking hagfish.
(Repealed and added by Stats. 2004, Ch. 431, Sec. 22. Effective January 1, 2005.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018