California Fish and Game Code CHAPTER 7 - Importation of Aquatic Plants and Animals

  • Section 15600.
    (a) No live aquatic plant or animal may be imported into this state by a registered aquaculturist without the prior written approval of the department pursuant...
  • Section 15601.
    A written application for the importation submitted in conformance with the procedural requirements established by the commission is deemed to be approved where it has...
  • Section 15604.
    No facility constructed for the purpose of spawning, incubating, or raising of anadromous fish listed in Section 2118 in the Smith River watershed is exempt...
  • Section 15605.
    (a) Nothing in this chapter prohibits the importation of Atlantic Salmon or the roe thereof, or the continued possession of Atlantic salmon or the roe therefrom...

Last modified: October 22, 2018