California Fish and Game Code ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
- Section 2930.
(a) This chapter shall be known, and may be cited, as the Salton Sea Restoration Act.(b) The state’s comprehensive management plan for the Salton Sea, established pursuant...
- Section 2931.
(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State of California undertake the restoration of the Salton Sea ecosystem and the permanent protection of...
- Section 2931.5.
(a) The construction of facilities to separate fresh water from highly saline water for the purposes of implementing restoration activities pursuant to this chapter shall not...
- Section 2932.
There is hereby established the Salton Sea Restoration Fund which shall be administered by the director. Money deposited in the fund shall be expended, upon...
- Section 2932.2.
Of the funds appropriated pursuant to Section 79565 of the Water Code, not less than eight million five hundred thousand dollars ($8,500,000) shall be made...
- Section 2932.3.
Any moneys made available by paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 75050 of the Public Resources Code and deposited in the Salton Sea Restoration...
- Section 2932.5.
Moneys deposited in the fund created pursuant to Section 2932 shall not be expended for mitigation except for mitigation undertaken by the State of California.(Added...
- Section 2933.
The Department of Water Resources may contract with water suppliers to purchase and sell water made available pursuant to Section 1745.02 of the Water Code...
Last modified: October 22, 2018