California Fish and Game Code ARTICLE 1 - Nongame Mammals
- Section 4150.
A mammal occurring naturally in California that is not a game mammal, fully protected mammal, or fur-bearing mammal is a nongame mammal. A nongame mammal...
- Section 4151.
Any house cat (Felis domesticus) found within the limits of any fish and game refuge is a nongame mammal, unless it is in the residence...
- Section 4152.
(a) Except as provided in Section 4005, nongame mammals and black-tailed jackrabbits, muskrats, subspecies of red fox that are not the native Sierra Nevada red fox...
- Section 4153.
The department may enter into cooperative agreements with any agency of the state or the United States for the purpose of controlling harmful nongame mammals.The...
- Section 4154.
The department may enter into cooperative contracts with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in the Department of the Interior in relation to the...
- Section 4155.
(a) Beginning January 1, 2014, it shall be unlawful to trap a bobcat, or attempt to do so, or to sell or export a bobcat taken...
Last modified: October 22, 2018