(a) In addition to the license fee required pursuant to Section 19225, the department may charge each licensed renderer and collection center an additional fee necessary to cover the reasonable costs of administering Article 6 (commencing with Section 19300) and Article 6.5 (commencing with Section 19310). The additional fees authorized to be imposed by this section may not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per year per each licensed rendering plant or collection center.
(b) The secretary may, based upon the findings and recommendation of the Rendering Industry Advisory Board, determine the additional fee amounts necessary to provide the revenue needed to carry out the provisions of this chapter specified in subdivision (a). The secretary and the Rendering Industry Advisory Board shall not exceed the maximum amount for additional fees authorized pursuant to subdivision (a). Setting the additional fee or fees shall not be subject to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. The secretary shall only have the authority to raise an additional fee pursuant to this section upon recommendation of the Rendering Industry Advisory Board.
(c) The secretary shall fix the additional fee amounts established pursuant to this section and may fix different fees for renderers and collection centers. If an additional fee is imposed on licensed renderers pursuant to subdivision (a) and an additional fee is imposed on registered transporters pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 19315, only one additional fee may be imposed on a person or firm that is both licensed as a renderer pursuant to Article 6 (commencing with Section 19300) and registered as a transporter of inedible kitchen grease pursuant to Article 6.5 (commencing with Section 19310), which fee shall be the higher of the two fees.
(d) If the additional fee established pursuant to this section is not paid within one calendar month of the date it is due, a penalty shall be imposed in the amount of 10 percent per annum on the amount of the unpaid fee.
(e) This section shall become inoperative on July 1, 2020, and, as of January 1, 2021, is repealed, unless a later enacted statute that becomes operative on or before January 1, 2021, deletes or extends the dates on which it becomes inoperative and is repealed.
(Amended by Stats. 2016, Ch. 286, Sec. 1. (AB 655) Effective January 1, 2017. Inoperative July 1, 2020. Repealed as of January 1, 2021, by its own provisions.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018