When nursery stock is sold, it shall be labeled plainly and legibly as to the grade size, if so required by regulations, and as to the correct name as follows:
(a) The correct name for ornamentals, except roses, fruit trees, and annual or herbaceous perennial ornamental plants, shall be the botanical name.
(b) The correct name for fruit trees shall be the recognized common name and cultivar.
(c) The correct name for turf shall be the kind and cultivar.
(d) The correct name for roses, annual or herbaceous perennial ornamental plants, dormant bulbs, tubers, roots, corms, rhizomes, pips, and other kinds of nursery stock shall be the cultivar name, except that the recognized common name shall be required whenever no cultivar name has been given or can be determined.
(Repealed (by Sec. 7) and added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 622, Sec. 8.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018