California Food and Agricultural Code ARTICLE 3 - Dairy Farm Sanitation

  • Section 33511.
    If any provision of this article is violated by any dairy farm, the dairy farm is insanitary, deficient, and unsatisfactory.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)
  • Section 33512.
    An open cesspool, pigpen, stagnant water, accumulation of manure or other filth shall not be permitted within 100 feet of the milk house or room,...
  • Section 33513.
    Human excreta or other human wastes shall be properly disposed of by the use of flush toilets and septic tanks, approved pits, or chemical toilets....
  • Section 33514.
    The buildings, yards, or enclosures shall not be filthy or insanitary, nor shall any part of such yards or enclosures, except pastures, be made the...
  • Section 33515.
    The water supply for the milk house or room and dairy barn shall be properly located, constructed, and operated, easily accessible, adequate, protected against contamination,...
  • Section 33516.
    The water supply for drinking by livestock shall not be stagnant, polluted with manure, urine drainage, decaying vegetable or animal matter, or pathogenic bacteria of...
  • Section 33517.
    No person who is connected with or employed on a dairy farm and liable to come in contact with the milk or cream of the...
  • Section 33518.
    A suitable milkhouse or room, which is properly screened to exclude flies or insects shall be provided and maintained for the separating, cooling, mixing, canning,...
  • Section 33519.
    The pails, cans, bottles, or other containers for milk or its products, or the strainers, coolers or other utensils, appliances, apparatus, or equipment which come...
  • Section 33520.
    Multiuse containers, equipment and utensils used in the handling, storage and transportation of milk shall be made of smooth, nonabsorbent, corrosion-resistant, nontoxic materials and shall...
  • Section 33521.
    The containers, appliances, or equipment, after sterilization, shall be adequately dried and protected from flies, dust, and other contamination.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)
  • Section 33522.
    No container, utensil, appliance, or equipment shall be used for any purpose except the handling of milk or products of milk.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch.
  • Section 33523.
    The udders, flanks, hind legs, and tails of cows or goats shall be reasonably clean during milking.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)
  • Section 33524.
    The milk or cream shall be protected from contamination by dust and flies.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)
  • Section 33525.
    The person or wearing apparel of the dairyman, his employees, or other persons who handle the milk or its products and containers or equipment of...
  • Section 33526.
    The hands of milkers shall be clean and dry during the entire period of milking.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)
  • Section 33527.
    The milk or cream shall be cooled as provided in Section 35783 and so maintained until delivery to a milk products plant.(Amended by Stats. 2007,...
  • Section 33528.
    The interior of the milking barn or milk house or room shall be kept clean and free from accumulated dust and cobwebs.(Enacted by Stats. 1967,...
  • Section 33529.
    The walls of the milking barn shall not become soiled with manure, urine, or other filth.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)
  • Section 33530.
    The feed shall not be spoiled or otherwise unfit for feeding cows or goats and the production of milk.(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)

Last modified: October 22, 2018