California Food and Agricultural Code ARTICLE 11 - Reorganization of Corporations Organized Pursuant to Other Laws

  • Section 54291.
    Any corporation which is organized or existing pursuant to any law, except Title 23 (commencing with Section 653aa), Part 4, Division 1 of the Civil...
  • Section 54292.
    Articles of incorporation shall be deemed to conform to this chapter within the meaning of Section 54291 in both of the following cases:(a) It is provided...
  • Section 54293.
    If the amended articles conform, as provided in Section 54292, provisions in the articles of incorporation that appeared in the original articles or some previous...
  • Section 54294.
    This article applies retrospectively as well as prospectively, and may be availed of by a corporation regardless of the time of incorporation, whether prior or...

Last modified: October 22, 2018