California Food and Agricultural Code ARTICLE 3 - Proof of Ownership
- Section 5030.
Upon probable cause to believe a person buying, selling, or transporting a shipment of plant material intended to be marketed for commercial purposes is in...
- Section 5031.
It is unlawful for any person to knowingly falsify, misrepresent, or cause to be falsified or misrepresented, any information in a record intended to show...
- Section 5032.
The director or commissioner may compile information and make any necessary investigations relative to suspected violations of this division. The director or commissioner may call...
- Section 5033.
The person in custody of any records containing information required pursuant to Section 5030 shall exhibit those records upon a demand therefor by the director...
- Section 5034.
At the time of the hearing, the director or commissioner may take any of the following actions:(a) Administer oaths and take testimony.(b) Issue subpoenas that compel the...
- Section 5035.
Any party that disobeys any order or subpoena of the director is subject to Section 11188 of the Government Code.(Added by Stats. 1993, Ch. 806,...
Last modified: October 22, 2018