California Food and Agricultural Code ARTICLE 5 - Cotton Pest Control
- Section 6001.
It is hereby declared that the cotton industry of this state is threatened with the invasion of cotton boll weevil and pink bollworm of cotton....
- Section 6002.
The director, or an entity designated by the Cotton Pest Control Board, may contract with the United States Department of Agriculture for the purpose of...
- Section 6003.
“First handler” means the first person who, as owner, agent, or broker, purchases, or otherwise acquires from a grower, possession or control of cotton.(Added by...
- Section 6005.
(a) Every grower of cotton in the state shall pay a fee of three dollars ($3) for each bale of cotton ginned or for each bale...
- Section 6006.
The director shall appoint a Cotton Pest Control Board, consisting of 10 members, to assist and advise him or her on matters which pertain to...
- Section 6006.5.
It is hereby declared, as a matter of legislative determination, that cottongrowers appointed to the Cotton Pest Control Board pursuant to this article are intended...
- Section 6006.6.
Any decision made by the Cotton Pest Control Board which results in an entity other than the department administering this article shall be made not...
Last modified: October 22, 2018