Study of the Effectiveness of Lottery Communications
After the first full year of sales to the public, the Director shall engage an independent firm experienced in the analysis of advertising, promotion, public relations, incentives, and other aspects of communications to conduct a special study of the effectiveness of such communication activities and make recommendations to the Commission on the future conduct and future rate of expenditure for such activities. This report shall be presented to the Commission, the Governor, the State Controller, and the State Treasurer. Until the presentation of such report and action by the Commission, the Commission shall expend as close to 31/2% as practical of the projected sales of all lottery tickets and shares for advertising, promotion, public relations, incentives, and other aspects of communications. Similar studies shall be conducted from time to time after the first such study as determined by the Director.
(Added November 6, 1984, by initiative Proposition 37.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018