California Government Code CHAPTER 4 - California Transportation Research and Innovation Program
- Section 14450.
The department, in preparing its research and development program, shall consult with other parts of the transportation industry, including the private and public sectors, in...
- Section 14452.
(a) All funds made available pursuant to Section 99315.6 of the Public Utilities Code and Section 203 of the Streets and Highways Code shall be allocated...
- Section 14453.
The department’s role in this program shall be limited to research and development. The department shall consider the following guidelines in evaluating and selecting a...
- Section 14454.
(a) If a decision is made to proceed with a research and development center, proceeds from the sale or lease of existing facilities owned by the...
- Section 14455.
(a) Research contracts approved by the department shall require the contractor to disclose administrative overhead as a separate cost item, with a detailed statement identifying what...
- Section 14456.
Pursuant to Section 14453, the department may enter into a joint powers agreement with other entities for development and operation of the center.(Added by Stats....
Last modified: October 22, 2018