California Government Code ARTICLE 12.5 - Official Reporters in Counties With a Population of 95,000 and Under 120,000
- Section 70125.
In each county having a population of more than 95,000 and less than 120,000, as determined by the 1960 federal census, to assist the court...
- Section 70126.
A judge of the superior court may appoint a pro tempore official reporter, to serve as the convenience of the court may require, when an...
- Section 70127.
Each regular official reporter shall be paid an annual salary of twenty thousand nine hundred eighty-three dollars and ninety-two cents ($20,983. 92). Adjustments in salary...
- Section 70128.
Except in criminal cases, the fees prescribed in Article 9 (commencing with Section 69941), Chapter 5, Title 8, shall be paid for the services of...
Last modified: October 22, 2018