California Government Code CHAPTER 1 - General

  • Section 81000.
    This title shall be known and may be cited as the “Political Reform Act of 1974.”(Added June 4, 1974, by initiative Proposition 9. Note: This...
  • Section 81001.
    The people find and declare as follows:(a) State and local government should serve the needs and respond to the wishes of all citizens equally, without regard...
  • Section 81002.
    The people enact this title to accomplish the following purposes:(a) Receipts and expenditures in election campaigns should be fully and truthfully disclosed in order that the...
  • Section 81003.
    This title should be liberally construed to accomplish its purposes.(Added June 4, 1974, by initiative Proposition 9.)
  • Section 81004.
    (a) All reports and statements filed under this title shall be signed under penalty of perjury and verified by the filer. The verification shall state that...
  • Section 81004.5.
    Any report or statement filed pursuant to this title may be amended by the filer at any time. Amending an incorrect or incomplete report or...
  • Section 81006.
    Except as provided in this title, no fee or charge shall be collected by any officer for the filing of any report or statement or...
  • Section 81007.
    When a report or statement or copies thereof required to be filed with any officer under this title have been sent by first-class mail or...
  • Section 81007.5.
    (a) Any report or statement or copies thereof required to be filed with any official under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100) or Chapter 7 (commencing...
  • Section 81008.
    Every report and statement filed pursuant to this title is a public record open for public inspection and reproduction during regular business hours, commencing as...
  • Section 81009.
    (a) Statements of organization, registration statements, and original campaign statements of persons holding elective state office, candidates for any such office, committees supporting any such officeholder...
  • Section 81009.5.
    (a) Any local government agency which has enacted, enacts, amends, or repeals an ordinance or other provision of law affecting campaign contributions and expenditures shall file...
  • Section 81010.
    With respect to reports and statements filed with him pursuant to this title, the filing officer shall:(a) Supply the necessary forms and manuals prescribed by the...
  • Section 81011.5.
    Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the election precinct of a person signing a statewide petition shall not be required to appear on...
  • Section 81012.
    This title may be amended or repealed by the procedures set forth in this section. If any portion of subdivision (a) is declared invalid, then...
  • Section 81013.
    Nothing in this title prevents the Legislature or any other state or local agency from imposing additional requirements on any person if the requirements do...
  • Section 81014.
    Whenever any reference is made in this title to a federal or state statute and that statute has been or is subsequently repealed or amended,...
  • Section 81015.
    If any provision of this title, or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstances, shall be held invalid, the remainder of...
  • Section 81016.
    Chapter 8 of this title shall go into effect immediately. The Director of Finance shall make sufficient funds available to the Secretary of State out...

Last modified: October 22, 2018