(a) If the director determines that it is necessary to temporarily suspend or to revoke any license of a residential care facility for the elderly in order to protect the residents or clients of the facility from physical or mental abuse, abandonment, or any other substantial threat to health or safety pursuant to Section 1569.50, the department shall make every effort to minimize trauma for the residents.
(b) (1) (A) After a decision is made to temporarily suspend or, upon an order, to revoke the license of a residential care facility for the elderly which is likely to result in closure of the facility, the department shall contact both of the following:
(i) The Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
(ii) Any local agency that may have placement or advocacy responsibility for the residents of a residential care facility for the elderly.
(B) The department shall work with these agencies, and the licensee if the director determines it to be appropriate, to locate alternative placement sites and to contact relatives or other persons responsible for the care of these residents, and to assist in the transfer of residents.
(2) The department shall use appropriately skilled professionals deemed appropriate by the department to provide onsite evaluation of the residents and assist in any transfers.
(3) The department shall require the licensee to prepare and submit to the licensing agency a written plan for relocation and compliance with the terms and conditions of the approved plans, and to provide other information as necessary for the enforcement of this section.
(c) Upon receipt of an order to temporarily suspend or revoke a license, the licensee shall be prohibited from accepting new residents or entering into admission agreements for new residents.
(d) Upon an order to temporarily suspend a license, the following shall apply:
(1) The licensee shall immediately provide written notice of the temporary suspension to the resident and initiate contact with the resident’s responsible person, if applicable.
(2) The department may secure, or permit the licensee to secure, the services of a temporary manager who is not an immediate family member of the licensee or an entity that is not owned by the licensee to manage the day-to-day operations of the facility. The temporary manager shall be appointed and assume operation of the facility in accordance with Section 1569.481.
(e) Upon an order to revoke a license following the temporary suspension of a license pursuant to Section 1569.50 that led to the transfer of all residents, the following applies:
(1) The licensee shall provide a 60-day written notice of license revocation that may lead to closure to the resident and the resident’s responsible person within 24 hours of receipt of the department’s order of revocation.
(2) The department shall permit the licensee to secure the services of a temporary manager who is not an immediate family member of the licensee or an entity that is not owned by the licensee to manage the day-to-day operations of the residential care facility for the elderly for a period of at least 60 days, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
(A) A proposal is submitted to the department within 72 hours of the licensee’s receipt of the department’s order of revocation that includes both of the following:
(i) A completed “Application for a Community Care Facility or Residential Care Facility for the Elderly License” form (LIC 200), or similar form as determined by the department, signed and dated by both the licensee and the person or entity described in paragraph (2).
(ii) A copy of the executed agreement between the licensee and the person or entity described in paragraph (2) that delineates the roles and responsibilities of each party and specifies that the person or entity described in paragraph (2) shall have the full authority necessary to operate the facility, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and without interference from the licensee.
(B) The person or entity described in paragraph (2) shall be currently licensed and in substantial compliance to operate a residential care facility for the elderly that is of comparable size or greater and has comparable programming to the facility. For purposes of this subparagraph, the following definitions apply:
(i) “Comparable programming” includes, but is not limited to, dementia care, hospice care, and care for residents with exempted prohibited health care conditions.
(ii) “Comparable size” means a facility capacity of 1 to 15 residents, 16 to 49 residents, or 50 or more residents.
(C) The person or entity described in paragraph (2) is not subject to the application fee specified in Section 1569.185.
(D) If the department denies a proposal to secure the services of a person or entity pursuant to paragraph (2), this denial shall not be deemed a denial of a license application subject to the right to a hearing under Section 1569.22 and other procedural rights under Section 1569.51.
(f) (1) Notwithstanding Section 1569.651 or any other law, for paid preadmission fees, a resident who transfers from the facility due to the notice of temporary suspension or revocation of a license pursuant to this section is entitled to a refund in accordance with all of the following:
(A) A 100-percent refund if preadmission fees were paid within six months of either notice of closure required by this section.
(B) A 75-percent refund if preadmission fees were paid more than six months, but not more than 12 months, before either notice required by this section.
(C) A 50-percent refund if preadmission fees were paid more than 12 months, but not more than 18 months, before either notice required by this section.
(D) A 25-percent refund if preadmission fees were paid more than 18 months, but not more than 25 months, before either notice required by this section.
(2) A preadmission fee refund is not required if preadmission fees were paid 25 months or more before either notice required by this section.
(3) The preadmission fee refund required by this paragraph shall be paid within 15 days of issuing either notice required by this section. In lieu of the refund, the resident may request that the licensee provide a credit toward the resident’s monthly fee obligation in an amount equal to the preadmission fee refund due.
(4) If a resident transfers from the facility due to the revocation of a license, and the resident gives notice at least five days before leaving the facility, or if the transfer is due to a temporary suspension of the license order, the licensee shall refund to the resident or his or her legal representative a proportional per diem amount of any prepaid monthly fees at the time the resident leaves the facility and the unit is vacated. Otherwise the licensee shall pay the refund within seven days from the date that the resident leaves the facility and the unit is vacated.
(g) Within 24 hours after each resident who is transferring pursuant to these provisions has left the facility, the licensee that had his or her license temporarily suspended or revoked shall, based on information provided by the resident or the resident’s responsible person, submit a final list of names and new locations of all residents to the department and the local ombudsman program.
(h) If at any point during or following a temporary suspension or revocation order of a license the director determines that there is a risk to the residents of a facility of physical or mental abuse, abandonment, or any other substantial threat to health or safety, the department shall take any necessary action to minimize trauma for the residents, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(1) Contact any local agency that may have placement or advocacy responsibility for the residents and work with those agencies to locate alternative placement sites.
(2) Contact the residents’ relatives, legal representatives, authorized agents in a health care directive, or responsible parties.
(3) Assist in the transfer of residents, and, if necessary, arrange or coordinate transportation.
(4) Provide onsite evaluation of the residents and use any medical personnel deemed appropriate by the department to provide onsite evaluation of the residents and assist in any transfers.
(5) Arrange for or coordinate care and supervision.
(6) Arrange for the distribution of medications.
(7) Arrange for the preparation and service of meals and snacks.
(8) Arrange for the preparation of the residents’ records and medications for transfer of each resident.
(9) Assist in any way necessary to facilitate a safe transfer of all residents.
(10) Check on the status of each transferred resident within 24 hours of transfer.
(i) The participation of the department and local agencies in the relocation of residents from a residential care facility for the elderly shall not relieve the licensee of any responsibility under this section. A licensee that fails to comply with the requirements of this section shall be required to reimburse the department and local agencies for the cost of providing those services. If the licensee fails to provide the services required in this section, the department shall request that the Attorney General’s office, the city attorney’s office, or the local district attorney’s office seek injunctive relief and damages.
(j) Notwithstanding Section 1569.49, a licensee who fails to comply with the requirements of this section shall be liable for civil penalties in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500) per violation per day for each day that the licensee is in violation of this section, until the violation has been corrected. The civil penalties shall be issued immediately following the written notice of violation.
(k) This section does not preclude the department from amending the effective date in the order of suspension or revocation of a license and closing the facility, or from pursuing any other available remedies if necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents in care.
(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 303, Sec. 283. (AB 731) Effective January 1, 2016.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018