(a) The department shall adopt and submit building standards for approval pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 18935) of Part 2.5, and the department shall adopt other regulations for manufactured home or mobilehome accessory buildings or structures. The regulations adopted by the department shall provide for the construction, location, and use of manufactured home or mobilehome accessory buildings or structures to protect the health and safety of the occupants and the public, and shall be enforced by the appropriate enforcement agency.
(b) A manufactured home or accessory building or structure may be installed in a mobilehome park above 4,000 feet in elevation at the option of the owner of the home and after approval by the park operator only if the installation is consistent with one of the following:
(1) If the manufactured home or accessory building or structure does not have the capacity to resist the minimum snow loads as established for residential buildings by local ordinance, the manufactured home or accessory building or structure must have the capacity to resist a roof live load of at least 60 pounds per square foot and may only be installed in a mobilehome park that has and is operating an approved snow roof load maintenance program, as defined by the department. The installation shall comply with all other applicable requirements of this part and the regulations adopted pursuant to this part and shall be approved by the enforcement agency. The approval of the snow roof load maintenance program shall be identified on the permit to operate.
(2) If the manufactured home or accessory building or structure does not have the capacity to resist the minimum snow loads established by local ordinance for residential buildings, the manufactured home or accessory building or structure may only be installed if it is protected by a ramada designed to resist the minimum snow loads established by local ordinance and constructed pursuant to this part and regulations adopted pursuant to this part. The plans and specifications for the construction of the ramada and the installation of the home shall be approved by the enforcement agency.
(3) If a manufactured home or accessory building or structure has the capacity to resist the minimum snow loads established by local ordinance for residential buildings, an approved snow roof load maintenance program or ramada is not required for that home or accessory building or structure.
(c) Before installing a manufactured home or accessory building or structure pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b), the operator of a park shall request and obtain approval from the enforcement agency for its existing or proposed snow roof load maintenance program. The enforcement agency’s approval shall be based on relevant factors identified in the regulations of the department and shall include, but not be limited to, the types of maintenance to be used to control or remove snow accumulation and the capacity and capability of personnel and equipment proposed to satisfactorily perform the snow roof load maintenance program. The request for approval shall specify the type of maintenance to be used to control snow accumulation and shall demonstrate the capacity and capability of necessary personnel or its equivalent to satisfactorily perform the snow roof load maintenance program.
(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 890, Sec. 8. Effective January 1, 2007.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018