(a) This section describes the qualifications to be met by smog check technician applicants effective January 1, 1995. The department shall, by regulation, establish requirements for the licensure of smog check technicians which are necessary to enable the program to meet the applicable emission reduction performance standards, to include, at a minimum:
(1) Either of the following:
(A) Certification standards for all technicians in the program which are equivalent or superior to the standards applicable for certification by an established national certification or accrediting institution to perform service on automotive engines and electrical systems.
(B) Successful completion of a training program certified by the department under Section 44045.6.
(2) In addition to the requirement in paragraph (1), a minimum of two years’ experience performing repairs to motor vehicle emission control systems or experience approved by the department, or an associate degree in an automotive technology curriculum or an equivalent degree as determined by the department.
(3) An examination process that effectively determines whether applicants are all of the following:
(A) Knowledgeable regarding the visual, functional, and exhaust and evaporative emissions inspection and testing procedures specified by the department, including a demonstrated understanding of loaded mode testing principles, purpose, procedures and equipment.
(B) Knowledgeable regarding misfire detection, air injection testing, closed-loop system testing, and generic idle adjustment procedures specified by the department.
(C) Capable of using emissions manuals and tuneup labels to properly identify required emission control systems and components on any vehicle subject to the enhanced program.
(4) Not later than July 1, 1995, the examination shall use state-of-the-art technology, which may include computer simulations or other computer-based examination formats to determine whether applicants can properly identify, diagnose, and repair emission-related problems. The department may contract for the development and administration of this examination.
(b) The department shall not license any technician unless the department has determined that the person is able to perform the inspection, testing, and repair tasks required under the program on all vehicles subject to the program, except that the department may limit this requirement to specified makes or models of vehicles if a technician requests licensing limited to specified makes or models of vehicles.
(c) The department may establish more than one category or level of licensure, and may provide for the licensing of interns or trainees if those persons do all of their test and repair work under the supervision of a licensed technician.
(d) The department shall require the renewal of smog check technician licenses every two years, and shall establish any necessary and appropriate requirements for renewal.
(Added by Stats. 1994, Ch. 27, Sec. 42. Effective March 30, 1994.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018