California Health and Safety Code CHAPTER 3.9 - Skilled Nursing and Intermediate Care Facility Patient’s Bill of Rights
- Section 1599.
It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this chapter to expressly set forth fundamental human rights which all patients shall be entitled to...
- Section 1599.1.
Written policies regarding the rights of patients shall be established and shall be made available to the patient, to any guardian, next of kin, sponsoring...
- Section 1599.2.
Written information informing patients of their rights shall include a preamble or preliminary statement in substantial form as follows:(a) Further facility requirements are set forth...
- Section 1599.3.
Any rights under this chapter of a patient judicially determined to be incompetent, or who is found by his physician to be medically incapable of...
- Section 1599.4.
In no event shall this chapter be construed or applied in a manner which imposes new or additional obligations or standards on skilled nursing, intermediate...
Last modified: October 22, 2018