California Health and Safety Code CHAPTER 6 - Used Direct Import Vehicles
- Section 44200.
For purposes of this chapter, “used direct import vehicle” means any 1975 or later model-year direct import vehicle not required to be certified as a...
- Section 44201.
The state board shall adopt, by regulation, a certification program for used direct import vehicles. The state board shall issue a certificate of conformance to...
- Section 44202.
A used direct import vehicle which was not registered in this state prior to the adoption of regulations adopted pursuant to Section 44201, may not...
- Section 44203.
The certification program established pursuant to Section 44201 shall require all of the following components:(a) A test of the vehicle’s emissions performed at a laboratory...
- Section 44204.
The state board may perform a confirmatory test of the vehicle’s emissions prior to issuance of a certificate of conformity.(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 1138,...
- Section 44205.
The state board shall adopt regulations prescribing the requirements for any laboratory seeking approval as a state-licensed laboratory for purposes of this chapter. The requirements...
- Section 44207.
A laboratory’s license may be suspended or revoked by the state board, after a hearing, for failure to meet the requirements of licensing established in...
- Section 44208.
The state board may, by regulation, impose fees for the licensing of laboratories and for the issuance of certificates of conformity to recover the state...
- Section 44209.
Any person who falsifies any test record or report which has been submitted to any other person, the department, or the state board pursuant to...
- Section 44210.
The requirements of Section 44202 do not apply to any motor vehicle having a certificate of conformity issued by the federal Environmental Protection Agency pursuant...
Last modified: October 22, 2018