California Health and Safety Code CHAPTER 9.5 - Sacramento Emergency Clean Air and Transportation Program
- Section 44299.50.
As used in this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:(a) “Advanced introduction costs” means the costs of the project less a baseline cost...
- Section 44299.51.
There is hereby created the Sacramento Emergency Clean Air and Transportation Program. The program shall be administered by SACOG. The implementation of the program, in...
- Section 44299.52.
(a) Eligible projects may include, but shall not be limited to, any of the following: (1) Purchase of new very low- or zero-emission covered vehicles...
- Section 44299.53.
(a) Funds to implement the program shall be provided from the amount allocated from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund for the purposes of paragraph (118)...
- Section 44299.54.
On or before January 10, 2001, the executive officer of the state board shall make a determination as to the eligibility of NO x retrofit...
- Section 44299.55.
All emissions reductions and credits achieved as a result of programs initiated under this chapter shall be used to fulfill local and regional commitments to...
Last modified: October 22, 2018