California Health and Safety Code ARTICLE 3 - Notice of Intention

  • Section 7735.
    Notice of a declaration of intention to remove the human remains from all or any part of any cemetery shall be given by publication in...
  • Section 7736.
    The notice shall be entitled “Notice of Declaration of Intention to Remove Human Remains from ____ (insert name of cemetery) in accordance with the provisions...
  • Section 7737.
    Copies of the notice shall within ten days after the first publication be posted in at least three conspicuous places in the cemetery or the...
  • Section 7738.
    A copy of the notice shall be mailed to every person who owns, holds, or has the right of interment in, any plot in the...
  • Section 7739.
    The notice shall also be mailed to each known living heir at law of any person whose remains are interred in the cemetery, if his...

Last modified: October 22, 2018