California Labor Code CHAPTER 3 - Farm Labor Contractors
- Section 1682.
As used in this chapter:(a) “Person” includes any individual, firm, partnership, association, limited liability company, or corporation.(b) “Farm labor contractor” designates any person who, for a fee,...
- Section 1682.3.
“Farm labor contractor” includes any “day hauler.” “Day hauler” means any person who is employed by a farm labor contractor to transport, or who for...
- Section 1682.4.
“Farm labor contractor” does not include a commercial packing house engaged in both the harvesting and the packing of citrus fruit or soft fruit for...
- Section 1682.5.
This chapter does not apply to:(a) A nonprofit corporation or organization with respect to services specified in subdivision (b) of Section 1682, which are performed for...
- Section 1682.7.
The Labor Commissioner shall ensure that the office maintained in Fresno has suitable facilities and sufficient personnel for the examination and licensing of farm labor...
- Section 1682.8.
The Labor Commissioner may establish and maintain a Farm Labor Contractor Special Enforcement Unit within the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement office in Fresno of...
- Section 1683.
(a) A person shall not act as a farm labor contractor until a license to do so has been issued to the person by the Labor...
- Section 1684.
(a) The Labor Commissioner shall not issue to any person a license to act as a farm labor contractor, nor shall the Labor Commissioner renew that...
- Section 1684.3.
Whenever an application for a license or renewal is made, and application processing pursuant to this chapter has not been completed, the Labor Commissioner may,...
- Section 1684.5.
The Labor Commissioner shall quarterly submit to the Department of the California Highway Patrol a list of all licensees.(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 917, Sec....
- Section 1685.
No license to operate as a farm labor contractor shall be granted:(a) To any person who sells or proposes to sell intoxicating liquors in a building...
- Section 1686.
The Labor Commissioner, upon proper notice and hearing, may refuse to grant a license. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 5 of...
- Section 1687.
(a) Each laminated license shall contain, on the face thereof, all of the following:(1) The name and address of the licensee and the fact that the licensee...
- Section 1688.
The license when first issued shall run to the next birthday of the applicant, and each license shall then be renewed within the 30 days...
- Section 1689.
All applications for renewal shall state the names and addresses of all persons, except bona fide employees on stated salaries, financially interested either as partners,...
- Section 1690.
The Labor Commissioner may revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew any license if it is shown that any of the following have occurred:(a) The licensee or...
- Section 1690.1.
(a) (1) If a licensee fails to remit the proper amount of worker contributions required by Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 901) of Part 1 of Division...
- Section 1691.
(a) If any licensee has been subject to two or more final judgments by a court for failure to pay wages due with respect to his...
- Section 1692.
Before revoking or suspending any license, the Labor Commissioner shall afford the holder of such license an opportunity to be heard in person or by...
- Section 1692.5.
A licensee whose license is suspended or revoked pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall immediately surrender such license to the Labor Commissioner.(Added by...
- Section 1693.
The Labor Commissioner and the deputies and representatives authorized by the Labor Commissioner in writing may take assignments of actions on the bond against licensees...
- Section 1694.
If a licensee has departed from the state or has left the jurisdiction in which a violation of this chapter is alleged to have occurred...
- Section 1695.
(a) Every licensee shall do all of the following:(1) Carry his or her license and proof of registration issued pursuant to paragraph (8) with him or her...
- Section 1695.5.
(a) Every farm labor contractor, upon request of any agricultural grower with whom he or she has a contract to supply farmworkers, shall immediately furnish the...
- Section 1695.55.
(a) Every person acting in the capacity of a farm labor contractor shall provide any grower with whom he or she has contracted to supply farmworkers...
- Section 1695.6.
No person shall knowingly enter into an agreement for the services of a farm labor contractor who is not licensed under this chapter.(Added by Stats....
- Section 1695.7.
(a) (1) Prior to entering into any contract or agreement to supply agricultural labor or services to a grower, a farm labor contractor shall first provide to...
- Section 1695.8.
(a) No person whose license was suspended, revoked, or denied renewal by the Labor Commissioner shall perform any activity or service specified in subdivision (b) of...
- Section 1695.9.
Any person contracted by a farm labor contractor who is acting in the capacity of a farm labor contractor shall first provide to the farm...
- Section 1696.
No licensee shall:(1) Make any misrepresentation or false statement in his application for a license.(2) Make or cause to be made, to any person, any false, fraudulent,...
- Section 1696.2.
All vehicles used by a licensee or his or her employees or agents for the transportation of individuals in his or her operations as a...
- Section 1696.3.
Any farm labor contractor or person employed by a farm labor contractor who operates a bus or truck in the transportation of individuals in connection...
- Section 1696.4.
(a) All vehicles defined in Section 322 of the Vehicle Code, including those described in Section 1696.3, used by a farm labor contractor for the transportation...
- Section 1696.5.
Every licensee shall, at the time of each payment of wages, which shall be not less often than once every week as required by Section...
- Section 1696.6.
(a) No licensee shall recruit or solicit and transport an employee for farmwork unless he has first obtained, either orally or in writing, a bona fide...
- Section 1696.8.
(a) The director shall establish a Farm Labor Contractor Enforcement Unit. The unit shall develop a program to provide technical assistance to a district attorney’s office...
- Section 1697.
(a) Any person who violates this chapter, or who causes or induces another to violate this chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine...
- Section 1697.1.
(a) No person shall make, or cause to be made, false, fraudulent, or misleading representations that employment in the growing or producing of farm products, or...
- Section 1697.2.
Actions brought under this chapter shall be set for trial at the earliest possible date, and shall take precedence over all other cases, except older...
- Section 1697.3.
Upon the final determination of the Labor Commissioner that a grower, a farm labor contractor, or person acting in the capacity of a farm labor...
- Section 1697.5.
(a) It is a violation of this chapter for a licensee to do any of the following:(1) Fail to train an agricultural employee at the time of...
- Section 1698.
All fines collected for violations of this chapter shall be paid into the Farmworker Remedial Account and shall be available, upon appropriation, for purposes of...
- Section 1698.1.
No licensee shall sell, transfer or give away any interest in or the right to participate in the profits of said licensee’s business without the...
- Section 1698.2.
No licensee shall knowingly issue a contract for employment containing any term or condition which, if complied with, would be in violation of law, or...
- Section 1698.3.
No licensee shall accept a fee from any applicant for employment, or send any applicant for employment without having obtained orally or in writing, a...
- Section 1698.4.
No licensee shall send or cause to be sent, any woman or minor under the age of 18 years, as an employee to any house...
- Section 1698.5.
No licensee shall send any minor to any saloon or place where intoxicating liquors are sold to be consumed on the premises.(Amended by Stats. 1972,...
- Section 1698.6.
No licensee shall knowingly permit any persons of bad character, prostitutes, gamblers, intoxicated persons, or procurers to frequent his premises.(Added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 1505.)
- Section 1698.7.
No licensee shall accept any application for employment made by or on behalf of any child, or shall place or assist in placing any such...
- Section 1698.8.
No licensee shall divide fees with an employer, an agent or other employee of an employer or person to whom help is furnished.(Added by Stats....
- Section 1698.9.
A farm labor contractor successor to any predecessor farm labor contractor that owed wages or penalties to a former employee of the predecessor, whether the...
- Section 1699.
The Labor Commissioner may, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 11371), Part 1, Division 3, Title 2 of the Government...
Last modified: October 22, 2018