California Public Contract Code ARTICLE 6.5 - Public Utility Districts
- Section 20202.1.
The provisions of this article shall apply to contracts by public utility districts as provided for in the Public Utility District Act pursuant to Division...
- Section 20202.2.
A district may make contracts, employ labor, and do all acts necessary and convenient for the full exercise of its powers.(Added by Stats. 1983, Ch....
- Section 20204.1.
All bidders shall be afforded an opportunity to examine such plans and specifications, and the board shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder....
- Section 20204.2.
The person or corporation to whom the contract is awarded shall execute a bond, to be approved by the board, for the faithful performance of...
- Section 20204.3.
All bids for construction work submitted pursuant to this article shall be presented under sealed cover and shall be accompanied by one of the following...
- Section 20205.1.
In case of an emergency, the board shall respond to the emergency pursuant to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 22050) if notice for bids to...
- Section 20205.2.
Nothing in this article prohibits the board from doing or causing to be done directly by the district, and without any contract, any or all...
- Section 20206.1.
Upon the determination of the board by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of its members that all bids submitted are unsatisfactory or are excessive, the...
- Section 20206.2.
Plans and specifications when once adopted shall not be altered or changed in any manner whereby the cost of the proposed work is increased, except...
- Section 20206.3.
A contract made under this article shall not be altered or changed in any manner, except when first ordered by a vote of two-thirds of...
- Section 20206.4.
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the board may annually advertise for sealed bids for furnishing the district with goods, merchandise, stores, subsistence, printing,...
- Section 20206.5.
All bids shall be upon a schedule prepared by the clerk, showing all articles needed by the district and its several offices and stating separately...
- Section 20206.6.
Notices of proposals for furnishing articles shall mention the articles in general and shall state that the conditions and schedule may be found in the...
- Section 20206.9.
The clerk shall furnish printed blanks for all proposals and contracts.(Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 1195, Sec. 25. Effective January 1, 1994.)
- Section 20207.1.
In considering bids the board may accept or reject all or any of them, or may accept or reject part of a bid, preference being...
- Section 20207.2.
All supplies furnished the district or its officers shall be furnished at a price no greater than is specified in the bid accepted by the...
- Section 20207.3.
All bids shall be opened by the board at an hour and place to be stated in the advertisements for proposals, in the presence of...
- Section 20207.4.
All contracts shall be made with the lowest responsible bidder. Bidders for construction contracts shall give bonds for the faithful performance of the construction contract.(Amended...
- Section 20207.5.
“Advertising” means the advertising and publication of all official reports, orders, ordinances, resolutions, notices inviting proposals, and all notices of every nature relating to work...
- Section 20207.6.
No officer or employee of the district shall order any article or make any publication which is not expressly authorized by this division or by...
- Section 20207.7.
Unless the amount involved in the purchase at any one time of any articles for which no contract has been entered into exceeds ten thousand...
Last modified: October 22, 2018