Within the marsh the local protection program shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Any amendments to general or specific plans applicable to any area within the marsh necessary to bring such plans into conformity with this division and the policies of the protection plan.
(b) Enforceable standards for diking, flooding, draining, filling, and dredging of sloughs, managed wetlands, and marshes.
(c) Enforceable standards for operation of septic tanks and wastewater discharges.
(d) A management program prepared by the Suisun Resource Conservation District designed to preserve, protect, and enhance the plant and wildlife communities within the primary management area of the marsh, including, but not limited to, enforceable standards for diking, flooding, draining, filling, and dredging of sloughs, managed wetlands, and marshes.
(e) Zoning ordinances or zoning district maps, or both, designating principal permitted uses on lands within the marsh, which ordinances or maps shall designate the existing agricultural and wildlife habitat uses of such lands as principal permitted uses of such lands.
(f) Enforceable standards for development to ensure that any use of deepwater industrial and port areas near Collinsville designated on the Suisun Marsh Protection Plan Map is in conformity with the policies of the protection plan.
(g) Enforceable standards for the design and location of any new development in the marsh to protect the visual characteristics of the marsh and, where possible, to enhance views of the marsh.
(h) Enforceable standards for development designed (1) to minimize soil erosion, especially during construction in areas of soil instability, (2) to require special provisions for surface and subsurface drainage, (3) to ensure that grading restores, rather than disrupts, natural patterns and volumes of surface runoff, and (4) to limit construction of impermeable surfaces over naturally permeable soils and geologic areas, all to control erosion, sedimentation, and runoff within the marsh.
(i) Enforceable standards for development adjacent to creeks and watercourses to protect riparian habitat and to prevent waterway modification or vegetation removal that increases sedimentation or runoff in or into the marsh, to an extent that a significant, adverse environmental impact will occur in the marsh.
(Added by Stats. 1977, Ch. 1155.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018