The sum of one hundred thirty million dollars ($130,000,000) shall be available to the department for grants to implement Delta water quality improvement projects that protect drinking water supplies. The department shall require a cost share from local agencies. Eligible projects are:
(a) Projects that reduce or eliminate discharges of salt, dissolved organic carbon, pesticides, pathogens and other pollutants to the San Joaquin River. Not less than forty million ($40,000,000) shall be available to implement projects to reduce or eliminate discharges of subsurface agricultural drain water from the west side of the San Joaquin Valley for the purpose of improving water quality in the San Joaquin River and the Delta.
(b) Projects that reduce or eliminate discharges of bromide, dissolved organic carbon, salt, pesticides and pathogens from discharges to the Sacramento River.
(c) Projects at Franks Tract and other locations in the Delta that will reduce salinity or other pollutants at agricultural and drinking water intakes.
(d) Projects identified in the June 2005 Delta Region Drinking Water Quality Management Plan, with a priority for design and construction of the relocation of drinking water intake facilities for in-delta water users.
(Added November 7, 2006, by initiative Proposition 84.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018