California Public Resources Code ARTICLE 2 - Master Environmental Impact Report

  • Section 21157.
    (a) A master environmental impact report may be prepared for any one of the following projects:(1) A general plan, element, general plan amendment, or specific plan.(2) A project...
  • Section 21157.1.
    The preparation and certification of a master environmental impact report, if prepared and certified consistent with this division, may allow for the limited review of...
  • Section 21157.5.
    (a) A proposed mitigated negative declaration shall be prepared for any proposed subsequent project if both of the following occur:(1) An initial study has identified potentially new...
  • Section 21157.6.
    (a) The master environmental impact report shall not be used for the purposes of this chapter if either of the following has occurred: (1) The certification of...
  • Section 21157.7.
    (a) For purposes of this section, a master environmental impact report is a document prepared in accordance with subdivision (c) for the projects described in subdivision...

Last modified: October 22, 2018