California Public Resources Code ARTICLE 2 - State Agencies

  • Section 30410.
    (a) The commission and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission shall conduct a joint review of this division and Title 7.2 (commencing with Section...
  • Section 30411.
    (a) The Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Fish and Game Commission are the principal state agencies responsible for the establishment and control of wildlife...
  • Section 30412.
    (a) In addition to Section 13142.5 of the Water Code, this section shall apply to the commission and the State Water Resources Control Board and the...
  • Section 30413.
    (a) In addition to the provisions set forth in subdivision (f) of Section 30241, and in Sections 25302, 25500, 25507, 25508, 25510, 25514, 25516.1, 25523, and...
  • Section 30414.
    (a) The State Air Resources Board and air pollution control districts established pursuant to state law and consistent with requirements of federal law are the principal...
  • Section 30415.
    The Director of the Office of Planning and Research shall, in cooperation with the commission and other appropriate state agencies, review the policies of this...
  • Section 30416.
    (a) The State Lands Commission, in carrying out its duties and responsibilities as the state agency responsible for the management of all state lands, including tide...
  • Section 30417.
    (a) In addition to the provisions set forth in Section 4551.5, this section shall apply to the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection.(b) Within 180 days...
  • Section 30418.
    (a) Pursuant to Division 3 (commencing with Section 3000), the Division of Oil and Gas of the Department of Conservation is the principal state agency responsible...
  • Section 30419.
    The Division of Boating and Waterways within the Department of Parks and Recreation is the principal state agency for evaluating the economic feasibility of any...
  • Section 30420.
    Prior to taking any action on (1) a local coastal program or any amendment thereto, (2) any coastal development permit, or (3) any consistency determination...

Last modified: October 22, 2018