(a) Following the levy of an assessment pursuant to this division to pay, in whole or in part, the costs and expenses of constructing or substantially reconstructing works, systems, or facilities after January 1, 1985, upon a district benefited thereby, and annually on or before June 30th, the legislative body may prepare and approve an estimate of the expenditures required during the ensuing fiscal year for the maintenance, repair, and improvement of the works, systems, or facilities.
(b) The legislative body, may, by resolution adopted at a public hearing, determine to levy and collect in any year upon and against all of the taxable land and improvements within the district a special assessment sufficient to raise a sum of money not to exceed the amount estimated pursuant to subdivision (a).
(c) The special assessment shall be levied, collected, and enforced at the same time, in the same manner, by the same officers, and with the same interest and penalties, as in the case of other special assessments levied pursuant to this division by the city. The proceeds of the assessment shall be placed in a separate fund of the city and shall be expended only for the maintenance, repair, or improvement of the works, systems, or facilities.
(d) For purposes of this section, “maintenance, repair, and improvement” shall include all expenses incurred to keep the work, system, or facility in fit operating condition which are ordinarily incurred no more frequently than every five years, except that expenses which are ordinarily incurred at lesser intervals may be included if the legislative body finds that the expenses have to be incurred in order to maintain the level of benefit to the assessed parcels and that the level of benefit would otherwise decline more rapidly than usual for other public works of the type involved because of circumstances which do not ordinarily affect these public works.
(Added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1298, Sec. 21.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018