California Streets and Highways Code ARTICLE 3 - By Permanent Road Divisions
- Section 1160.
As used in this article:(a) “Division” means permanent road division.(b) “Last equalized assessment roll” means the last assessment roll made up by the county assessor, including the...
- Section 1160.5.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the Permanent Road Division Law.(Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 578, Sec. 4. Effective August 26,
- Section 1161.
Any portion of a county, not already contained in a division, may be formed into a division under the provisions of this article. When formed,...
- Section 1162.
A petition for the formation of a division may be presented to the board of supervisors of the county wherein the division is proposed to...
- Section 1162.5.
(a) In lieu of submission of a petition pursuant to Section 1162, formation of a division may be initiated by a resolution of the board of...
- Section 1162.6.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the board of supervisors may form a permanent road division without reference to a specific permanent road project....
- Section 1163.
Such petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that affiant has compared the valuations given in the petition with those on the last equalized...
- Section 1164.
Such petition shall be published in the manner authorized by Section 1196, together with a notice stating the time of the meeting at which the...
- Section 1165.
Such petition shall be presented either at a regular meeting of the board or at a special meeting called to receive and consider it. On...
- Section 1166.
Following the hearing or election, as the case may be, the board shall decide if the proposed division is to be formed. If the board...
- Section 1167.
The boundaries established by the board shall be the boundaries of the division until such boundaries are changed in the manner provided in this article.(Enacted...
- Section 1168.
If the board finds that the boundaries thus established for such division are incorrectly described, it shall direct the county surveyor to ascertain and report...
- Section 1168.5.
Any landowner whose property is located within the division may file a verified petition with the board alleging that the property will not be benefited...
- Section 1168.7.
The board may hold a hearing to determine if any property located outside of a division will benefit from any construction, improvement, or maintenance project...
- Section 1168.8.
(a) Property may be annexed to or detached from a permanent road division in the same manner and under the same procedures provided in Sections 1162...
- Section 1168.9.
(a) The board may order two or more divisions consolidated if the board finds that their boundaries are contiguous at any point or that a consolidated...
- Section 1169.
At, or at any time after, the time of forming a division, any 10 or more freeholders thereof may petition the board to have plans...
- Section 1170.
Such petition for construction or improvement shall state if appropriate:(a) The recommendations of the petitioners as to the materials to be used and the manner of...
- Section 1171.
Upon receiving such petition the board shall cause to be prepared estimates, plans, and specifications for the work mentioned in the petition exclusive of maintenance,...
- Section 1172.
When it has adopted plans and specifications for such work exclusive of maintenance, the board may set apart therefor from the road fund of the...
- Section 1173.
When a special tax is petitioned for, the board shall immediately order an election within the division to determine whether such tax will be levied....
- Section 1174.
The board shall call such election by posting notices in the manner provided in section 1195, and by publishing notice of the election in the...
- Section 1175.
Such notice of election shall contain:(a) The time and place of holding the election.(b) The amount of money proposed to be raised for construction or improvement. (c) The...
- Section 1176.
For the purposes of this election, the board shall establish, by order, one or more precincts and appoint three judges for each precinct to conduct...
- Section 1177.
The officers of the election shall certify the result of the election to the board, giving the whole number of votes cast, and the number...
- Section 1178.
If two-thirds of the votes cast are for the tax, the board shall annually, at the time of levying the county taxes, levy a special...
- Section 1178.5.
When the levy of a special tax has been authorized, the board of supervisors may advance to the permanent road division the division’s share of...
- Section 1179.
The tax so levied shall be collected in the same manner as county taxes and, when collected, shall be paid into the county treasury for...
- Section 1179.5.
In lieu of, or in addition to, any special tax levied pursuant to Section 1178, the board may fix and collect parcel charges for any...
- Section 1179.6.
(a) In addition to any other authority granted under this article, the board may issue bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness on behalf of a...
- Section 1180.
If the petition proposing the work asks for the issuance of bonds of the division, the board shall call an election in such division and...
- Section 1181.
The notice of election shall contain:(a) The time and place of holding the election.(b) The boundaries of the election districts. No election precinct shall be partly in...
- Section 1182.
The election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the general election laws, but no particular form of ballot need be used....
- Section 1183.
The officers of the election shall certify the result of the election to the board, giving the whole number of votes cast and the number...
- Section 1184.
The board may then issue the bonds of the division to the number and amount provided for in the election proceedings. The bonds shall be...
- Section 1185.
The board, by an order entered upon its minutes, shall prescribe all of the following:(a) The form of the bonds.(b) The time when the bonds become due,...
- Section 1186.
The interest on the bonds shall be payable annually. Each bond and each coupon shall bear the signature or facsimile printed signature of the chair...
- Section 1187.
If, at the election on the question of whether or not bonds are to be issued, the bonds are not authorized, the money transferred to...
- Section 1188.
The board shall cause the highway work provided for in this article to be done in accordance with the provisions of Sections 20391 to 20395,...
- Section 1189.
Before opening the bids for doing any work provided for in this article, the board may appoint such inspectors as it considers necessary and fix...
- Section 1190.
The board shall make no payment on account of work which is reported by the inspectors to be unsatisfactory, until the objections are investigated and...
- Section 1191.
In lieu of the appointment of inspectors as provided in section 1189, or in lieu of proceeding pursuant to section 1075, the board may employ...
- Section 1192.
From time to time as the work progresses, the board may make payments on account, but shall not, before the completion of the contract, pay...
- Section 1193.
Any money in the fund of the division, after completion of, and final payment for, the work contracted for, shall remain in such fund and...
- Section 1194.
On payment of all debts of the division or on the failure of the division within two years after formation to vote a special tax...
- Section 1194.5.
A permanent road division formed for the purpose of maintenance that has ceased to exist as a result of the amendments made to Section 1194...
- Section 1195.
The board shall cause the notices, which are required to be posted by sections 1174 and 1180, to be posted at least fifteen days before...
- Section 1196.
The board shall cause all publications, required by this article, particularly sections 1164, 1166, 1168, 1174 and 1180, in any proceeding or election, to be...
- Section 1197.
The expenses of organizing a division, conducting any necessary election, and providing engineering services, pursuant to this article, shall be a county charge payable out...
Last modified: October 22, 2018