California Streets and Highways Code ARTICLE 1 - The Superintendent of Streets

  • Section 5680.
    The superintendent of streets shall keep a public office in some convenient place within the city, and shall keep such records as may be required...
  • Section 5681.
    The superintendent of streets shall see that the laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations relating to the public streets are fully carried into execution, and that...
  • Section 5682.
    The superintendent of streets shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, give bonds to the city, with such sureties and for such sums...
  • Section 5683.
    The superintendent of streets shall superintend and direct the cleaning of all sewers, and the expense of the same shall be paid out of the...
  • Section 5684.
    If the superintendent of streets is required to give notice in writing to any person under this division, he may personally serve such notice, and...
  • Section 5685.
    The superintendent of streets shall keep a record of the service of all notices which are served by him or with his permission.(Added by Stats....
  • Section 5686.
    For all purposes and in all cases where a verification is required under this division, such verification may be made before the superintendent of streets...

Last modified: October 22, 2018