California Unemployment Insurance Code ARTICLE 5 - Jobs for California Graduates Program

  • Section 9900.
    (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this article to support the expansion of the Jobs for California Graduates pilot project in Merced...
  • Section 9901.
    (a) In order to encourage a regional system of long-lasting, self-sustaining model local programs, communities served pursuant to this article shall contribute in-kind and financial resources...
  • Section 9902.
    Local affiliates of the Jobs for California Graduates Program shall include all of the following elements:(a) (1) A trained youth specialist employed year-round providing individual and group...
  • Section 9903.
    (a) Entities eligible to conduct a Jobs for California Graduates local program shall include, but need not be limited to, local education agencies, community colleges, and...
  • Section 9904.
    To be eligible to receive services through a Jobs for California Graduates local program under this article, a youth shall meet at least two of...
  • Section 9905.
    (a) For purposes of establishing and expanding these programs, the department shall, to the extent feasible, make local grants available throughout the region.(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), it...
  • Section 9908.
    State funds made available pursuant to this article shall be used to carry out both of the following:(a) The Jobs for California Graduates local program elements...

Last modified: October 22, 2018