California Unemployment Insurance Code CHAPTER 3.5 - Employment Training Panel

  • Section 10200.
    The Legislature finds and declares the following:(a) California’s economy is being challenged by competition from other states and overseas. In order to meet this challenge, California’s...
  • Section 10201.
    As used in this chapter:(a) “Department” means the Employment Development Department.(b) “Employer” or “eligible employer” means any employer subject to Part 1 (commencing with Section 100) of...
  • Section 10201.5.
    With respect to funding appropriated in the annual Budget Act to the Employment Development Department for allocation by the Employment Training Panel and identified for...
  • Section 10202.
    (a) The Employment Training Panel is established in the Employment Development Department.(b) The executive director shall be appointed by the Governor, and shall be well qualified for...
  • Section 10202.5.
    (a) The panel shall consist of eight persons, seven of whom shall be appointed as provided in subdivision (b), and shall have experience and a demonstrated...
  • Section 10203.
    The panel may meet as necessary at locations throughout the state. The panel shall maintain a minimum of three regional offices. The central office shall...
  • Section 10204.
    The panel shall coordinate its programs with local and state workforce investment boards and other partners of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. This...
  • Section 10205.
    The panel shall do all of the following:(a) Establish a three-year plan that shall be updated annually, based on the demand of employers for trained workers,...
  • Section 10206.
    (a) The panel may allocate money in the fund for any of the following purposes:(1) Reimbursement of reasonable training costs, and administrative costs incurred by contractors. In...
  • Section 10207.
    (a) The panel shall accept or reject a completed application within 60 days of the receipt by the executive director.(b) The panel shall develop expedited procedures for...
  • Section 10208.
    Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to preclude any employer from contracting with any public or private training entity for services, subject to the...
  • Section 10209.
    (a) Contracts shall only be made for training in job-related vocational skills that are necessary for participants to attain a new job or retain an existing...
  • Section 10210.
    Contracts shall be made with training agencies only if the training agency can demonstrate all of the following:(a) The training agency has a satisfactory record of...
  • Section 10211.
    A trainee or employee participating in a training program pursuant to this chapter shall be considered to be in a training program having the approval...
  • Section 10212.2.
    The panel shall prepare a budget covering necessary administrative costs of the panel. The budget shall not be subject to change by the director except...
  • Section 10213.
    The Employment Development Department shall cooperate with the panel by offering necessary technical assistance, which may include, but is not limited to, labor market information,...
  • Section 10214.
    To assist the panel and the Legislature in assessing the impact of this chapter over an extended period of time, the Employment Development Department shall...
  • Section 10214.5.
    (a) The panel may allocate up to 15 percent of the annually available training funds for the purpose of funding special employment training projects that improve...
  • Section 10214.6.
    (a) The panel shall develop and publish guidelines for the purpose of supporting and implementing one or more alternative fund programs to reimburse the cost of...
  • Section 10214.7.
    The panel shall allocate funds available in the annual Budget Act for training programs designed for individuals who are eligible to receive benefits under Chapter...
  • Section 10214.9.
    (a) (1) The panel may fund licensed nurse training programs to train individuals who are currently working as nurse assistants or caregivers in a health facility, as...
  • Section 10215.
    The funding of individual project grants by the panel may take the form of either direct grants to the employer or training agency, or credits...
  • Section 10217.
    Funds in the Employment Training Fund created by Section 1610 shall be appropriated annually in the Budget Act by the Legislature for allocation by the...

Last modified: October 22, 2018