California Public Utilities Code ARTICLE 3 - Transportation Systems
- Section 130250.
The commission shall coordinate the operation of all public transportation services within the county so as to achieve efficient operation thereof and shall resolve all...
- Section 130251.
It is the intent of the Legislature that, if, at the time the commission commences operation, an application to the federal government has been submitted,...
- Section 130252.
(a) All plans proposed for the design, construction, and implementation of public mass transit systems or projects, including exclusive public mass transit guideway systems or projects,...
- Section 130253.
Any plan for a transit system proposed to serve more than one county shall also be submitted for approval by the multicounty designated transportation planning...
- Section 130254.
The commission shall designate the operator of any approved transit guideway system.Except as specified in Section 130254.5, the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission shall designate...
- Section 130254.5.
The City of Los Angeles may design, construct, and operate a point-to-point transportation system on or between property under the jurisdiction and control of its...
- Section 130255.
(a) If a commuter or urban rail transit system is proposed to serve two or more counties, the commissions in those counties shall form a joint...
- Section 130256.
The commission shall require all planning for guideway and rapid transit systems be coordinated with the Department of Transportation and the multicounty designated transportation planning...
- Section 130257.
The commission may enter into an agreement with the Department of Transportation for the department to provide those services which are within the capabilities of...
- Section 130258.
If the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission is authorized to construct a transit guideway system, the commission shall closely coordinate the planning, design, and construction...
- Section 130259.
(a) Not later than February 1, 1978, the commissions in Riverside County and San Bernardino County shall, and the commissions in Los Angeles County and Orange...
- Section 130260.
The Orange County Transportation Commission may establish local transportation zones only in those areas where the commission determines that the Orange County Transit District cannot...
- Section 130261.
The Los Angeles County Transportation Commission may establish local transportation zones only in those areas where the commission determines by eight affirmative votes of the...
- Section 130262.
The commission shall require full cooperation and coordination between the regional operator, the municipal operators, and the local transportation zones in such matters as schedules,...
- Section 130263.
The Los Angeles County Transportation Commission shall not reduce, by order or by reducing funding, the size of the service areas under the jurisdiction of...
Last modified: October 22, 2018