(a) Within 30 days of any action or failure to act by a regional board under subdivision (c) of Section 13225, Article 4 (commencing with Section 13260) of Chapter 4, Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 13300), Chapter 5.5 (commencing with Section 13370), Chapter 5.9 (commencing with Section 13399.25), or Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 13500), an aggrieved person may petition the state board to review that action or failure to act. In case of a failure to act, the 30-day period shall commence upon the refusal of the regional board to act, or 60 days after request has been made to the regional board to act. The state board may, on its own motion, at any time, review the regional board’s action or failure to act.
(b) The evidence before the state board shall consist of the record before the regional board, and any other relevant evidence which, in the judgment of the state board, should be considered to effectuate and implement the policies of this division.
(c) The state board may find that the action of the regional board, or the failure of the regional board to act, was appropriate and proper. Upon finding that the action of the regional board, or the failure of the regional board to act, was inappropriate or improper, the state board may direct that the appropriate action be taken by the regional board, refer the matter to another state agency having jurisdiction, take the appropriate action itself, or take any combination of those actions. In taking any action, the state board is vested with all the powers of the regional boards under this division.
(d) If a waste discharge in one region affects the waters in another region and there is any disagreement between the regional boards involved as to the requirements that should be established, either regional board may submit the disagreement to the state board, which shall determine the applicable requirements.
(e) If a petition for state board review of a regional board action on waste discharge requirements includes a request for a stay of the waste discharge requirements, the state board shall act on the requested stay portion of the petition within 60 days of accepting the petition. The board may order any stay to be in effect from the effective date of the waste discharge requirements.
(Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 288, Sec. 30. (SB 1169) Effective January 1, 2011.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018