(a) No waste discharge requirement or other order of a regional board or the state board or decree of a court issued under this division shall specify the design, location, type of construction, or particular manner in which compliance may be had with that requirement, order, or decree, and the person so ordered shall be permitted to comply with the order in any lawful manner. However, the restrictions of this section shall not apply to waste discharge requirements or orders or decrees with respect to any of the following:
(1) Discharge of solid waste to disposal sites other than evaporation ponds from which there is no drainage or seepage which requires the installation of riprap, the construction of walls and dikes, the installation of surface and underground drainage facilities to prevent runoff from entering the disposal area or leakage to underground or surface waters, or other reasonable requirements to achieve the above or similar purposes.
(2) Discharges of waste or fluid to an injection well, except any well which is regulated by the Division of Oil and Gas in the Department of Conservation pursuant to Division 3 (commencing with Section 3000) of the Public Resources Code and Subpart F of Part 147 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations and is in compliance with that division and Subpart A (commencing with Section 146.1) of Subchapter D of Chapter 1 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
(b) If the court, in an action for an injunction brought under this division, finds that the enforcement of an injunction restraining the discharger from discharging waste would be impracticable, the court may issue any order reasonable under the circumstances requiring specific measures to be undertaken by the discharger to comply with the discharge requirements, order, or decree.
(Amended by Stats. 1986, Ch. 1013, Sec. 9. Effective September 23, 1986.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018