(a) For purposes of this chapter, “preproduction plastic” includes plastic resin pellets and powdered coloring for plastics.
(b) (1) The state board and the regional boards shall implement a program to control discharges of preproduction plastic from point and nonpoint sources. The state board shall determine the appropriate regulatory methods to address the discharges from these point and nonpoint sources.
(2) The state board, when developing this program, shall consult with any regional board with plastic manufacturing, handling, and transportation facilities located within the regional board’s jurisdiction that has already voluntarily implemented a program to control discharges of preproduction plastic.
(c) The program control measures shall, at a minimum, include waste discharge, monitoring, and reporting requirements that target plastic manufacturing, handling, and transportation facilities.
(d) The program shall, at a minimum, require plastic manufacturing, handling, and transportation facilities to implement best management practices to control discharges of preproduction plastics. A facility that handles preproduction plastic shall comply with either subdivision (e) or the criteria established pursuant to subdivision (f).
(e) At a minimum, the state board shall require the following best management practices in all permits issued under the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) program that regulate plastic manufacturing, handling, or transportation facilities:
(1) Appropriate containment systems shall be installed at all onsite storm drain discharge locations that are down-gradient of areas where preproduction plastic is present or transferred. A facility shall install a containment system that is defined as a device or series of devices that traps all particles retained by a one millimeter mesh screen and has a design treatment capacity of not less than the peak flowrate resulting from a one-year, one-hour storm in each of the down-gradient drainage areas. When the installation of a containment system is not appropriate because one or more of a facility’s down-gradient drainage areas is not discharged through a stormwater conveyance system, or when the regional board determines that a one millimeter or similar mesh screen is not appropriate at one or more down-gradient discharge locations, the regulated facility shall identify and propose for approval by the regional board technically feasible alternative storm drain control measures that are designed to achieve the same performance as a one millimeter mesh screen.
(2) At all points of preproduction plastic transfer, measures shall be taken to prevent discharge, including, but not limited to, sealed containers durable enough so as not to rupture under typical loading and unloading activities.
(3) At all points of preproduction plastic storage, preproduction plastic shall be stored in sealed containers that are durable enough so as not to rupture under typical loading and unloading activities.
(4) At all points of storage and transfer of preproduction plastic, capture devices shall be in place under all transfer valves and devices used in loading, unloading, or other transfer of preproduction plastic.
(5) A facility shall make available to its employees a vacuum or vacuum type system, for quick cleanup of fugitive preproduction plastic.
(f) The state board shall include criteria for submitting a no exposure certification pursuant to Section 122.26(g) of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations in all NPDES permits regulating plastic manufacturing, handling, or transportation facilities. Facilities that satisfy the no exposure certification criteria are conditionally exempt from the permitting requirements pursuant to Section 122.26 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The no exposure certification shall be required every five years or more frequently as determined by the state board or a regional board.
(g) The state board and the regional boards shall implement this chapter by January 1, 2009.
(h) Nothing in this chapter limits the authority of the state board or the regional boards to establish requirements in addition to the best management practices for the elimination of discharges of preproduction plastic.
(Added by Stats. 2007, Ch. 735, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2008.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018