(a) This section applies only to a retail water supplier that is either a mutual water company, formed and operating pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 14300) of Division 3 of Title 1 of the Corporations Code, or a public agency.
(b) A customer may request, in writing, a retail water supplier to enter into an agreement or adopt recycled water rates in order to provide recycled water service to the customer. The retail water supplier, by certified mail return receipt requested, shall submit a written offer to the customer not later than 120 days from the date on which the retail water supplier receives the written request from the customer that complies with subdivision (f).
(c) If no rate is in effect for recycled water service within the service area of a retail water supplier, the rate and conditions for recycled water service shall be established by contract between the retail water supplier and the customer, not later than 120 days from the date on which the customer requests a contract, or, by resolution or ordinance by the retail water supplier if it is a public agency, or by resolution if the retail water supplier is a mutual water company, not later than 120 days from the date on which the retail water supplier receives the customer’s written request for an ordinance or resolution.
(d) A rate for recycled water service established by contract, ordinance, or resolution, shall reflect a reasonable relationship between the amount of the rate and the retail cost of obtaining or producing the recycled water, the cost of conveying the recycled water, and overhead expenses for providing and administering the use of recycled water service. Capital costs of facilities required to serve the customer shall be amortized over the economic life of the facility, or the length of time the customer agrees to purchase recycled water, whichever is less. The rate shall not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service, and any additional costs agreed to by the customer for recycled water supplemental treatment.
(e) To the extent feasible, the rate for recycled water shall be comparable to, or less than, the retail water supplier’s rate for potable water. If recycled water service cannot be provided at a rate comparable to, or less than, the rate for potable water, the retail water supplier is not required to provide the recycled water service, unless the customer agrees to pay a rate that reimburses the retail water supplier for the costs described in subdivision (c).
(f) The offer required by subdivision (b) and subdivisions (c) and (d) of Section 13580.5 shall identify all of the following:
(1) The source for the recycled water.
(2) The method of conveying the recycled water.
(3) A schedule for delivery of the recycled water.
(4) The terms of service.
(5) The rate for the recycled water, including the per-unit cost for that water.
(6) The costs necessary to provide service and the basis for determining those costs.
(g) This section does not apply to recycled water service rates established before January 1, 1999, or any amendments to those rates.
(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 817, Sec. 4. (AB 2443) Effective January 1, 2015.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018