(a) The sum of two hundred fifty million dollars ($250,000,000) of the moneys in the fund shall be deposited in the Clean Water Construction Grant Account and is appropriated for grants and loans to municipalities to aid in construction of eligible projects and the purposes set forth in this section.
(b) If the federal Clean Water Act authorizes a federal loan program for providing assistance for construction of treatment works, which requires state matching funds, the board may establish a State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to provide loans in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act. The board, with the approval of the committee, may transfer funds from the Clean Water Construction Grant Account to the revolving fund for the purposes of meeting federal requirements for state matching funds.
(c) Any contract entered into pursuant to this section may include any provisions that the board determines, provided that any contract concerning an eligible project shall include, in substance, all of the following provisions:
(1) An estimate of the reasonable cost of the eligible project.
(2) An agreement by the board to pay to the municipality, during the progress of construction or following completion of construction as agreed upon by the parties, an amount that equals at least 121/2 percent of the eligible project cost determined pursuant to federal and state laws and regulations.
(3) An agreement by the municipality to proceed expeditiously with, and complete, the eligible project; commence operation of the treatment works upon completion and to properly operate and maintain the works in accordance with applicable provisions of law; apply for and make reasonable efforts to secure federal assistance for the eligible project; secure the approval of the board before applying for federal assistance in order to maximize the assistance received in the state; and provide for payment of the municipality’s share of the cost of the eligible project.
(d) The board may, with the approval of the committee, transfer moneys in the Clean Water Construction Grant Account to the State Water Quality Control Fund, to be made available for loans to public agencies pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 13400).
(e) Grants may be made pursuant to this section to reimburse municipalities for the state share of construction costs for eligible projects that received federal assistance, but that did not receive an appropriate state grant due solely to depletion of the State Clean Water and Water Conservation Fund created pursuant to the Clean Water and Water Conservation Bond Law of 1978 (Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 13955)). Eligibility for reimbursement under this section is limited to the actual construction capital costs incurred.
(f) To the extent funds are available, if the federal share of construction funding under Title II of the federal Clean Water Act is reduced below 75 percent, municipalities otherwise eligible for a grant under this section shall also be entitled to a loan from the Clean Water Construction Grant Account of up to 121/2 percent of the eligible project cost.
(g) To the extent funds are available, if the federal Clean Water Act authorizes a federal loan program for providing assistance for construction of treatment works, the board may make those loans in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act and state law. The Legislature may enact legislation that it deems necessary to implement the state loan program.
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and to the extent funds are available, if federal funding under Title II of the federal Clean Water Act ceases, municipalities shall only be entitled to a loan from the Clean Water Construction Grant Account of 25 percent of the eligible project cost.
(i) All loans pursuant to this section are subject to all of the following provisions:
(1) Municipalities seeking a loan shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the board, that an adequate opportunity for public participation regarding the loan has been provided.
(2) Any election held with respect to the loan shall include the entire municipality except where the municipality proposes to accept the loan on behalf of a specified portion, or portions, of the municipality, in which case the referendum shall be held in that portion or portions of the municipality only.
(3) Any loan made pursuant to this section shall be up to 25 years with an interest rate set annually by the board at 50 percent of the average interest rate paid by the state on general obligation bonds for the calendar year immediately preceding the year in which the loan agreement is executed.
(4) The first thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) in principal and interest from loans made pursuant to this section shall be paid to the Water Reclamation Account. All remaining principal and interest from the loans shall be returned to the Clean Water Construction Grant Account for new obligations.
(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 538, Sec. 680. Effective January 1, 2007. Note: This section was added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 377, and approved in Prop. 25 on Nov. 6, 1984.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018