California Water Code Section 14953

CA Water Code § 14953 (2017)  

(a) If a commercial shellfish growing area is threatened by point or nonpoint source pollution, as specified in Section 14954, the regional board shall form a technical advisory committee, within 90 days of the effective date of this act, devoted solely to the threatened area. A technical advisory committee shall be formed for any subsequently threatened area within 90 days of the date the threat is identified pursuant to Section 14954. The technical advisory committee shall advise and assist that board in developing a strategy for appropriate investigation and remediation pursuant to Sections 14955 and 14956 to reduce pollution affecting that area. The regional board shall give public notice of the formation of the technical advisory committee. All meetings of the technical advisory committee shall be public.

(b) For the purpose of subdivision (a), the technical advisory committee shall include both of the following:

(1) One commercial shellfish grower from the threatened area, one representative from the State Department of Health Services, one representative from the Department of Fish and Game, one representative from the California Coastal Commission, one representative from each category of potential pollution source, one representative from a local environmental group, and one representative from the local health department.

(2) Additional members and a chairperson appointed by the regional board.

(c) Members of the technical advisory committee established pursuant to subdivision (a) shall not receive a per diem or other compensation, and shall not be reimbursed for any expenses.

(Added by Stats. 1993, Ch. 1081, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 1994.)

Last modified: October 25, 2018