(a) (1) Any person entitled to the use of water, whether based upon an appropriative, riparian, or other right, may petition the board pursuant to this chapter, Chapter 6.6 (commencing with Section 1435) or Chapter 10.5 (commencing with Section 1725) for a change for purposes of preserving or enhancing wetlands habitat, fish and wildlife resources, or recreation in, or on, the water.
(2) The petition may be submitted for any of the purposes described in paragraph (1) and may, but is not required to, be submitted in combination with a petition to make any other change authorized pursuant to this part. The petition shall specify the time, location, and scope of the requested change, and other relevant information relating thereto.
(b) The board may approve the petition filed pursuant to subdivision (a), subject to any terms and conditions which, in the board’s judgment, will best develop, conserve, and utilize, in the public interest, the water proposed to be used as part of the change, whether or not the proposed use involves a diversion of water, if the board determines that the proposed change meets all of the following requirements:
(1) Will not increase the amount of water the person is entitled to use.
(2) Will not unreasonably affect any legal user of water.
(3) Otherwise meets the requirements of this division.
(c) (1) Upon the request of the petitioner, the board may specify, as part of its approval of the petition, that the water that is subject to the approval pursuant to this section shall be in addition to water that is required, if any, to be used for instream purposes to satisfy any applicable federal, state, or local regulatory requirements governing water quantity, water quality, instream flows, fish and wildlife, wetlands, recreation, and other instream beneficial uses. If the request is approved by the board, state and local agencies, as well as the courts, shall not credit the water subject to that petition towards compliance with any of the regulatory requirements described in this subdivision. A federal agency shall comply with the requirement imposed by this paragraph to the extent required by federal law, or to the extent that it chooses to comply.
(2) For the purposes of this subdivision, “requirements” includes requirements or obligations that have not been formally established or allocated at the time of the petition, and obligations under any agreement entered into to meet those requirements. Neither any petition filed pursuant to this section nor any documents or statements made in connection therewith shall be construed or used as an admission, evidence, or indication of any obligation to meet any of the requirements described in this subdivision.
(d) Except as provided in subdivision (c), water that is subject to a petition granted pursuant to this section shall be used to meet, in whole or in part, any requirement described in subdivision (c) if any of these requirements exist. The water shall be credited to the petitioner, or to any other person or entity designated by the petitioner, whenever that person or entity has, or may have, obligations to meet one or more of the requirements described in subdivision (c). The water shall be credited towards compliance with any requirements described in subdivision (c), by state and local agencies, as well as the courts. A federal agency shall comply with the requirement imposed by this subdivision to the extent required by federal law, or to the extent that it chooses to comply.
(Amended by Stats. 1999, Ch. 938, Sec. 7. Effective January 1, 2000.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018