Subsequent to the receipt of the plan of works provided for in Section 36251, the board may approve or modify the proposed plan of works, and thereafter by the adoption of a resolution may declare its intention to issue general obligation bonds to acquire or construct improvements described in the approved plan of works and to issue general obligation bonds of the district, or on behalf of an improvement district thereof, the interest and principal of which shall be paid by annual ad valorem taxes on the taxable land within the district or improvement district. In such case the resolution shall state the following:
(a) It is the intention of the board to acquire or construct improvements described in the approved plan of works and to issue general obligation bonds, the proceeds of which shall be used to pay the expenses thereof as set forth in the estimate provided for in Section 36251.
(b) A description of the purpose of the plan.
(c) The estimated expense of carrying out the plan of works.
(d) Assessments for carrying out such purpose shall be levied exclusively on the lands of the district or improvement district, including any territory annexed thereto.
(e) A map of the exterior boundaries of the district or improvement district is on file with the secretary of the district and is available for inspection by any person or persons interested.
(f) The date, time and place of the hearing by the board in regard to the foregoing plan at which time the board will, thereupon, determine the benefit or lack thereof to the lands within the district or improvement district thereof and, at which time all interested persons will be heard and written protests, if any, will be considered.
(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 1458.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018