As soon as possible after the assessments, or any installment thereof, become delinquent, the tax collector shall publish a notice containing all of the following:
(a) A description of the delinquent property.
(b) The name of the assessee.
(c) The amount of the assessments and penalties due on the property.
(d) The amount of the assessments and penalties delinquent on the property.
(e) A statement that unless the delinquent assessments and penalties are paid at the district office by 12 noon on the date stated in the notice, the delinquent property will, on that date, be sold to the district for nonpayment of the delinquent assessments and penalties.
(f) A statement that subsequent to the sale of the delinquent property to the district, the property may be redeemed by payment of the amount specified in Section 37150 and, if applicable, Section 37155.2 or, if the district has elected pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 37175) to permit installment redemption pursuant to that chapter, that the delinquent property may be redeemed under an installment plan of redemption.
(g) A statement of the name, address, and telephone number of the official who will furnish all information concerning redemption.
(h) A statement that after three years from the date of sale of the delinquent property to the district the right of redemption may be terminated upon execution and delivery to the district of a collector’s deed pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 37150).
(Amended by Stats. 1987, Ch. 560, Sec. 1. Effective September 11, 1987.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018