A collector’s deed shall contain the date of sale and his statement that no person redeemed the property during the time allowed for its redemption; and may be in substantially the following form, the blanks being filled to show the facts in each case:
Collector’s Deed
______ Water District
On the ____ day of _____, 19__, the collector of _____ Water District sold to _____ Water District, for a delinquent assessment, real property situated within the district, and in the County of _____, State of California, described as follows:
(insert description)
No person has redeemed the property from the sale; the time for redemption has elapsed; and the purchaser has demanded a deed to the property.
Wherefore, I, the collector of _____ Water District grant to _____ Water District all of the real property aforesaid.
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the district this ____ day of ____ 19__.
(DISTRICT SEAL) _____ Collector of ___________ Water District |
(Amended by Stats. 1959, Ch. 51.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018