The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the following:
(a) CALFED is in the process of preparing a programmatic EIS/EIR for a long-term comprehensive plan that will resolve problems related to ecosystem restoration, including the recovery of endangered species such as chinook salmon, water quality, water supply, water management, and system integrity for the protection of beneficial uses of the bay-delta ecosystem.
(b) The CALFED Bay-Delta Program is of statewide and national importance. The state should participate in the funding of eligible projects as a part of its ongoing program to improve conditions in the bay-delta ecosystem.
(c) The programmatic EIS/EIR will include a schedule for funding and implementing all elements of the long-term comprehensive plan.
(d) The elements of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program will achieve balanced solutions in all identified problem areas, including the ecosystem, water quality, water supply, and system integrity.
(Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 725, Sec. 1. Approved in Proposition 13 at the March 7, 2000, election.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018